Forex fraud: what to fear
Unfortunately, fraudsters are everywhere. The Forex market in this case is no exception. What is…

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Principles of franchising
When you open your own business, a person faces many challenges. It takes a lot…

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Open a live account on the USA (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX) online
An organized place where securities are traded is called the stock exchange. Usually traders (the…


Innovation as a profit generator
At all times, innovative business development brought maximum profits. If you study the history of…


the best quality

Open a live account on the USA (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX) online

An organized place where securities are traded is called the stock exchange. Usually traders (the one who sells or buys this valuable product) are private individuals or entire credit and financial organizations. With regards to securities, it can be stocks, indices or bonds. Exchange rates at which you can buy or sell securities and there is their value. Continue reading

Principles of franchising

When you open your own business, a person faces many challenges. It takes a lot of time to unleash the brand and develop the technology. The ability to realize management talents, gain financial independence and make a business a profitable investment is the goal of every entrepreneur. However, due to inexperience, beginning businessmen often make mistakes, feel insecure. What is a franchise and how does it work? Why is a ready business franchise a reasonable choice? We will try to answer simply and affordably. Continue reading

“Will be dragged ashore and stunned with a stick”, or How to conclude a contract on their own terms

Denis Sidenko, business consultant, coach, talks about the art of negotiation, tactics, rules and techniques that will help the seller not to surrender under the pressure of the buyer; explains what is most important in negotiations, what is their basis and how to prepare for them with a specific example from personal work practice
Once at a negotiation training, a woman approached me and asked: “We produce cakes. Recently signed a contract with the network. They stayed with us at a discount of 44% with a minimum of 46%. I’m thinking: did we win the negotiations or lost? ”

This is a common question. People are often confident that a deal is a victory in negotiations. In fact, the victory is your deal conditions. Continue reading