How to find sources of profit
The main sources of profit change after the change in the economic level. We are…

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Forex traders from which you need to keep as far as possible
There are three types of Forex traders who will definitely fall for a beginner on…

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How to build a profitable business
The goal of any businessman is to have a profitable business. In order to build…


How to choose the best strategy for trading in the Forex market?
Every day, a huge number of financial market participants make good profits, but among them…


analytical skills

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Self-marketing as a brake on trade

There is one factor that significantly slows down trade, reduces sales by 10, and sometimes 100 times. It does not lie on the surface, so not everyone knows it and almost does not speak about it. This factor is self-marketing. This word is unknown to a wide circle of people; they are operated only by specialists who study this issue. The essence of self-marketing – the product sells itself.
The product itself creates demand for itself, the product itself creates a need for itself, the product itself creates value for itself, the product itself creates profit, no one helps it. Continue reading

Effective ways to promote business

Once your company was not there, but then it appeared and the promotion of the business began. Then, at the initial stage, when it was the hardest for you, no one except you knew about the company. We can say that for others it did not exist. She was just for you. It was difficult for you, you needed partners, customers, employees. But you did not have them, because nobody knew about you. Continue reading

Marketing as the cause of the global crisis

The answer to the question is known. The main cause of the global crisis is marketing. In general, marketing is considered by few as a cause of the crisis, but it was he who caused it. How? Everything is very simple. In general, the crisis arose due to the fact that there was a lack of liquidity, in other words, the crisis arose due to a shortage of money. Among other things, this means that it is necessary to analyze a business strategy and modernize it for new conditions. Continue reading

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