Oil war as a marketing factor
The most significant event of 2010 in the post-Soviet space was the next oil war…

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How to properly and professionally make a commercial offer?
Sales managers quite often hear the phrase "Send us your offer, we will consider it…

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Best Small Business Development Strategy
The most successful strategy for the development of small business is a bet on marketing.…


How to beat the competition and earn all
The options of how to beat the competition a lot. But most methods involve huge…



Modern prospects of small business

The prospects of small business are connected with the understanding of the fact that it occupies one of two niches in the economy. The first of these is the start of new business areas. The second niche is the help to the average, but more often big business. In our conditions, about 10-20% of small businesses work in the first niche. In the second niche – 80-90% of small businesses.
Small business perspectives in the 21st century Continue reading

Where to find customers for big sales

Where to find customers is a matter of concern to businessmen. They think about it on average 50 times a day. A businessman wakes up with the thought of where to get clients and goes to bed with this thought too. Sometimes a businessman even dreams of dreams, as he is looking for clients. In fact, the whole life of a businessman revolves around thoughts about customers. Continue reading

Forex traders from which you need to keep as far as possible

There are three types of Forex traders who will definitely fall for a beginner on his trading path. And I really want to hope that you do not want to be like them.
Type number 1. Believer
They always have a clear answer to any market situation and, in general, everything related to Forex. It is a specific answer with the deepest self-righteousness. They always develop their “secret” market analysis method. Continue reading