How to become a real postindustrial?
It says a lot that the transition to a post-industrial economy has been launched. However,…

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How to build effective business processes
Effective business processes are the main condition for building an effective business that generates money,…

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Effective technology to eliminate competitors
One of the main questions of all businessmen is how to eliminate a competitor. Making…


Where are the stock traders going to go on a pilgrimage?
Stock traders love to pilgrim. They leave their apartments and houses and go where they…



How to build a profitable business

The goal of any businessman is to have a profitable business. In order to build such a business, you need to know what profit is in its essence. It seems everything is clear here – profit is the positive difference between income and costs for the production or purchase and sale of goods and services. Accordingly, if you want to make a profit, you need to increase this difference. Continue reading