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How to beat the competition and earn all

The options of how to beat the competition a lot. But most methods involve huge financial or reputational costs. There is only one way that is cheap enough and at the same time does not affect the reputation, because it looks fair and fair. It will allow you to bypass competitors and become a market leader. Being a leader is profitable, because the leader gets the most, the rest gets the rest.
The farther away from market leadership, the lower the earnings. For example, Apple removes about 94% of all profits from the smartphone market. Another 11% gets Samsung. Together they take off more than 100% of the profits, while the rest are in a chronic minus. And the farther from the leader, the greater the minus.
Trees are trying to grow above the rest, because it allows them to get the maximum sun. Low trees sometimes get nothing at all. If the company wants to have the maximum income, it needs to be a market leader. She should be the first in the eyes of the client so that he chooses her. This is the only way to get maximum money. Someone can get a little money who goes second or third, but the farther from the leader, the less money.
The latest companies receive only a minus. Until the turn comes, they no longer have the money, because they give it to the leaders. That’s the way the world works, you can’t change it. Some try to circumvent the rules, try to fight with established order. However, the maximum money earns is not the one who struggles with the device of the world, but the one who uses it for his own purposes.
How to beat the competition to earn maximum money? It is usually considered that simply offering the best product or service. As practice shows, this is not enough. It is too little. The bottom line is that a product is a way to implement an idea. And usually, the variant of the idea that is currently relevant is already implemented with the help of some product. It is possible to imagine that there is a computer with a USB port that is already in use.
Insert a USB flash drive into this computer will not work. Similarly, the consumer has nowhere to “insert” a new product if the idea has already been implemented with the help of another product. A new product may become necessary only if the previous product fails, and this is a very long process, so you will not get around competitors. Therefore, to beat the competition, you need something else.
What is needed? You need a market bias strategy. The essence of this strategy is to modernize the idea of ​​the market to a new version. As a result, it will shift and the products on the market will no longer correspond to it. The market will need another product. Thus, consumers will open “ports” for new products. They will want these products, and you can offer them.
This idea underlies the need, turns people into consumers and motivates them to buy goods that correspond to them.
If the shift is in your favor, then except you have no suitable product, no one and consumers will have any other choice. The most interesting thing is that very often even the product does not need to be modernized. It will be possible to sell an existing product, after conducting its analysis to find unrealized opportunities. They will be later incorporated into the new version of the market idea.
To implement the strategy of market bias, one must, of course, have an idea of ​​a market. This idea underlies the need, turns people into consumers and motivates them to buy goods that correspond to it. To modernize the idea of ​​the market, it must first be obtained and carefully studied. And you need not have thoughts about the market, but the idea of ​​the market.
You also need to have an idea of ​​a product, a real idea of ​​a product, in order to be able to convey to consumers all the value that is in a product. Very often, companies have only thoughts about the product, but not his idea. If you do not have a market idea and a product idea, you will not be able to implement a market shift strategy. The idea of ​​the product is the key to the product, and the idea of ​​the market is the key to the market. While there are no keys, there is no possibility to “open the door”.
Having the strategy of shifting the market, you will know exactly how to beat the competition. You will not just know, but you can do it for sure, because you will have a step-by-step marketing plan of action. It remains just to make planned steps. There is nothing complicated about it. Many companies have been able to do this, and so can you. You are clearly no more stupid than those who could do it.
Investments in the development of a strategy, which usually costs about $ 2000, as well as investments in its implementation, are repulsed within a year after it is launched, and they are repulsed many times. Sales are increasing, profits are growing, and market share is growing. Most importantly, this strategy is one of the few that works in rich EU markets.