Forex traders from which you need to keep as far as possible
There are three types of Forex traders who will definitely fall for a beginner on…

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"Will be dragged ashore and stunned with a stick", or How to conclude a contract on their own terms
Denis Sidenko, business consultant, coach, talks about the art of negotiation, tactics, rules and techniques…

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Cryptocurrency: what it is, why it is needed, pros and cons
A few years ago, few people heard about cryptocurrency. Gradually, people began to learn more…


Where is it profitable to invest money? - Forex Investments
Everyone knows that we have capitalism. And the most visible sign of capitalism is the…


first step

Effective development of the dealer network

Development of the dealer network is necessary because dealers help to sell. The more of them, the, as a rule, higher sales. Therefore, the development of a dealer network for a company that wants to have high sales is one of the top priorities. Networks themselves do not develop, they need to be engaged in, investing time, money and other resources, you need to constantly look for new dealers. Continue reading

The real foundations of a successful business

Can you describe the basics of a successful business in a few words? Is there any easy way to quickly and briefly explore the essence of a successful business? Does a successful business have any particular start, the right start of a business? Does a successful business have a foundation? My answer is. There is a foundation on which a successful business rests.
In principle, the foundation is not only in business, but in everything that surrounds us. Continue reading

Why is website important to your business?

Today we live in a world where none of us can imagine their lives without the Internet. Now you can advertise everything on the net. The Internet has long been one of the main sources of information in our lives. It is here that we are looking for any answers to your questions and after making decisions. But what happened before – before it appeared?
Just imagine: even a small company spent a large amount on advertising its company in a printed publication, creating business cards or some kind of letterhead. Continue reading