What is forex trading? - The main features of forex trading
Forex trading is trading in various foreign currencies. In the recent past, this type of…

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"Will be dragged ashore and stunned with a stick", or How to conclude a contract on their own terms
Denis Sidenko, business consultant, coach, talks about the art of negotiation, tactics, rules and techniques…

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Oil war as a marketing factor
The most significant event of 2010 in the post-Soviet space was the next oil war…


Where guaranteed to take a lot of money
ne of the questions that a person often asks himself is where to get a…


usually busy

Effective development of the dealer network

Development of the dealer network is necessary because dealers help to sell. The more of them, the, as a rule, higher sales. Therefore, the development of a dealer network for a company that wants to have high sales is one of the top priorities. Networks themselves do not develop, they need to be engaged in, investing time, money and other resources, you need to constantly look for new dealers. Continue reading