How to properly and professionally make a commercial offer?
Sales managers quite often hear the phrase "Send us your offer, we will consider it…

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How to properly and professionally make a commercial offer?
Sales managers quite often hear the phrase "Send us your offer, we will consider it…

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The real foundations of a successful business
Can you describe the basics of a successful business in a few words? Is there…


Cryptocurrency: what it is, why it is needed, pros and cons
A few years ago, few people heard about cryptocurrency. Gradually, people began to learn more…


buyer may

How to find sources of profit

The main sources of profit change after the change in the economic level. We are currently moving from the fourth economic level to the fifth. Accordingly, very soon only businesses that are engaged in the creation of goods and the provision of services of the fifth economic level can have a good profit.
The levels of the economy are called sectors. Continue reading

How to build effective business processes

Effective business processes are the main condition for building an effective business that generates money, not problems. Build such business processes can only professionals who know one important secret. There are very few people who know him little, which is why there are very few companies that use high-quality business processes.
The secret is simple and consists in the fact that business is basically an idea. Continue reading

The real foundations of a successful business

Can you describe the basics of a successful business in a few words? Is there any easy way to quickly and briefly explore the essence of a successful business? Does a successful business have any particular start, the right start of a business? Does a successful business have a foundation? My answer is. There is a foundation on which a successful business rests.
In principle, the foundation is not only in business, but in everything that surrounds us. Continue reading

How to make a business plan yourself
Any important business should be carried out, having planned their actions in advance. This is…


Negotiation strategy
A little simplify the situation with strategies. We specify the tasks.The task of the negotiator…
