Effective technology to eliminate competitors
One of the main questions of all businessmen is how to eliminate a competitor. Making…

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Overview of stock exchanges for earnings on stock trading
What are stock exchanges and how can you make money with them? About this and…

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How to properly and professionally make a commercial offer?
Sales managers quite often hear the phrase "Send us your offer, we will consider it…


Effective technology to eliminate competitors
One of the main questions of all businessmen is how to eliminate a competitor. Making…


very few people

Find out the main secret of a successful business.

How to become a successful businessman? All you need to do to succeed is to imbue with the idea of ​​business, plunge into it with your head. Until a person is saturated with the idea of ​​business, he is an ordinary person. A businessman differs from an ordinary person in that he is imbued with the idea of ​​business, as if he was dipped into a business, as if doused with business. He seemed to drink the elixir of business.
Business is the realization of the idea that underlies it. Continue reading

Negotiation strategy
A little simplify the situation with strategies. We specify the tasks.The task of the negotiator…


How to find sources of profit
The main sources of profit change after the change in the economic level. We are…
