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How to properly and professionally make a commercial offer?

Sales managers quite often hear the phrase “Send us your offer, we will consider it and answer it.” But quite often at this moment customers leave. And this is because they did not like the offer, it did not catch them. And then the question arises: “How is it right and professional to make a commercial offer?” After all, it is necessary that it does not alienate him, but on the contrary attracted and interested. That is the question will give you a detailed answer. After reading this article you will learn a lot of useful information and understand how to make a commercial offer quickly and easily and without losing customers.
How to make a commercial offer
Professionally drawn up commercial offer can be an effective sales tool and competitive advantage of any company. In the conditions of growing competition and an increase in the speed of information exchange, the topic of writing commercial proposals becomes particularly relevant, since it is the speed and quality of the proposal that is put to it that can directly affect the outcome of further cooperation. At the same time, it is necessary to remember some features when preparing proposals, the main ones of which will be discussed below.
Recently, customers have begun to demand quick response from suppliers, leaving a minimum of time to prepare proposals, which means that growing competition forces us to do more than competitors, that more time resources are spent on analyzing the request and preparing proposals with the involvement of accountants, lawyers and others divisions of the company.
Very often, responding to inquiries, the supplier risks spending time on a customer who is not even going to make an order, or the customer has already made a choice, but in order to “squeeze out” more advantageous conditions, he attracts a “extras”.
For many service provider companies, the issue is particularly relevant, the customer forces them to spend money and time on drawing up commercial proposals that will not even be considered, while such proposals are often a preliminary project.
What to do? Do not respond to inquiries, but there will always be competitors who will quickly do this in the hope of receiving an order or laying the foundation for future cooperation. The solution to this problem may be the standardization of the process of writing commercial proposals.
You can develop several variants of commercial proposals, depending on the requested services, works. To simplify this process, some foreign and Russian companies began to use computer programs. Starting with the simple “Construction calculator”, ending with more complex to calculate the lines of technological equipment.
Regardless of the tools used to make proposals, you need to remember a few basic rules:
Before you make a commercial offer, it is important to put yourself in the place of the customer and try to understand what could be interesting for him and what is not, what will attract attention.
If possible, try to get the following information from the customer: the goals and needs of the customer, the urgency of the order, the offer of competitors who make the final decision on the purchase.
As a rule, company executives receive dozens of commercial offers every day and more than one executive simply does not have enough time to read them completely. Therefore, it is recommended to focus primarily on the description of the economic benefits for the customer and the quality of the goods or services.
Standard commercial offer includes the following sections:
• logo, name, company coordinates;
• specifying who the offer is for (written in the upper right corner, company name, position, surname, initials) will reduce the likelihood of your proposal in the waste basket;
• appeal (dear …, we send you …);
• general information about the company if possible concisely the main activities;
• the main text of the proposal, which should include qualitative and quantitative characteristics, prices, terms of payment and delivery, economic dividends, competitive advantages;
• a list of completed works and letters of recommendation will significantly distinguish your proposal from others;
• details of the company, the coordinates of the responsible person.
The above recommendations will allow to standardize the process of writing commercial offers, to minimize the process of preparation, which will allow us to respond more quickly to customer requests, and thus gain an advantage already at the initial stage. There will be more time resource to work out the uniqueness of the proposal, the sales staff will be able to focus their attention directly on finding objects.