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Self-marketing as a brake on trade

There is one factor that significantly slows down trade, reduces sales by 10, and sometimes 100 times. It does not lie on the surface, so not everyone knows it and almost does not speak about it. This factor is self-marketing. This word is unknown to a wide circle of people; they are operated only by specialists who study this issue. The essence of self-marketing – the product sells itself.
The product itself creates demand for itself, the product itself creates a need for itself, the product itself creates value for itself, the product itself creates profit, no one helps it. The ability of a product to create demand for itself is limited, so demand is created small. Small demand is naturally small sales. It can be said that the only marketer for a product is the product itself, which promotes itself.
How does it look in reality? The scheme is quite simple. Someone produces goods, say a smartphone. Next, this smartphone buys some consumer and begins to use it. In the process of using the smartphone creates emotions, either positive or negative. Behind the emotions is always the idea of ​​the product. In the process of using a product, a person comes into contact with an idea embodied in a given product.
This idea is reflected from the idea of ​​man and gives rise to emotions. The buyer shares these emotions with the people who surround him. The average active environment of an average person is 20-100 other people. Accordingly, the person who in this case acts as a channel for translating the idea behind the product translates this idea to 20-100 other people.
These 20-100 people analyze emotions and decide whether to let an idea into itself or not. If the emotions are negative, they are closed from them, do not allow the idea of ​​a product in themselves, do not pump over it and therefore do not want to realize it. The chain is interrupted. In the case when emotions are positive, people open up for them, pumped over with the idea of ​​a product, they have a desire to realize it. All this creates demand for the product and its sales.
In fact, this demand created the product itself. Further, these 20-100 people use the goods, they have emotions, they convey them and the idea behind the product further. This happens until all people recognize the idea and emotions and take one of two solutions: to use the idea and buy the product, or to close the idea and not to buy the product.
At first glance, the scheme is perfect. It is enough just to have a product and find at least one buyer who will have positive emotions and who will thereby launch self-marketing and a chain of sales. No advertising, no marketing, no branding, no PR. According to this scheme, most businesses and work. However, businesses are not doing well and ideally as they should.
So the scheme is not so perfect. Where is the problem in the diagram? The problem with this scheme is that there are hundreds and thousands of products. If there was one product, it would not exist. The idea launched by the first buyer of this product with positive emotions, as the tsunami would have passed through the entire market. But thousands of goods and tsunamis, too, thousands. Accordingly, the running waves knock each other.
How does it look in practice? It’s simple. In the morning, a potential buyer meets with those who bought a smartphone, receives positive emotions from him, as a result of which he has a desire to buy it. Half an hour later, he goes to drink coffee with someone who recently bought a new motorcycle. It is clear that in the process of coffee drinking, he gets a lot of positive emotions about the motorcycle, opens up to the idea, lets it in himself and wants to realize it.
The smartphone is no longer interested in him, the chain is interrupted. At lunch, a potential motorcycle buyer meets with another person who recently returned from a vacation at sea. Receives a charge of positive emotions, misses the idea and wants to realize. The motorcycle doesn’t interest him either, the chain is interrupted here too.
Further, during the day, he receives many more new emotions, he has many new desires, but by the end of the day it all so bothers that the potential buyer closes himself from all ideas and thereby interrupts all the chains. Similarly, with millions of potential buyers, in the end, almost all self-marketing schemes are interrupted, and with them all the sales chains. The problem is that the idea is transmitted only with the first emotions.
The second time a person does not receive the first emotions. Therefore, once interrupted, the second time the process does not start and millions of goods are hopelessly waiting for their customers in the warehouse. In theory, these buyers are there, but in practice, 99% of them are already lost forever. Self-marketing, which initially looks like a trading engine, becomes a brake on trade.
All of the above suggests that self-marketing does not work and this is indeed the case. Moreover, many people simply throw away the “self” and it turns out that – marketing does not work as a whole, which is not true. Marketing both worked and works. In turn, self-marketing worked only when there were few goods.