Effective development of the dealer network
Development of the dealer network is necessary because dealers help to sell. The more of…

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How to properly and professionally make a commercial offer?
Sales managers quite often hear the phrase "Send us your offer, we will consider it…

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Virtual money: what it is, the pros and cons of e-currency
The world does not stand still, new technologies appear, and as it was possible to…


Where are the stock traders going to go on a pilgrimage?
Stock traders love to pilgrim. They leave their apartments and houses and go where they…



How to make money in the US stock market

What is the stock market? – These are purchases, and after – resale of valuable goods, which include stocks or indices. The place where the trades are held is called trading floors, and the brokers are usually engaged in the sale of stock market brokers – intermediaries between sellers and buyers.
Exchange traders – in other words, traders, a key goal in front of them set a quick and decent earnings in the stock market. Usually, stock trading on the stock market is only those companies that have a good reputation, and thereby reduce the level of risk during trading them. Continue reading

Stock trading in the US stock market (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX)

Speaking about the history of the development of stock trading, it is worth noting that, like everything else in this world, its work has never stood still. Any mechanisms of market economy, with the growth of the public, are in the minds of every person. Therefore, trading floors where purchases or sales of valuable goods (stocks or indices) are made have appeared a long time ago. True, they were originally called markets, malls, fairs or bazaars. In the future, these trading platforms improved with the development of economic relations. Continue reading

Overview of stock exchanges for earnings on stock trading

What are stock exchanges and how can you make money with them? About this and much more in our article.
So, the stock exchange is a financial institution in which the turnover (sales and purchases) of securities occurs regularly. Most often, the stock exchanges create a turnover of goods (securities), their further repayment and create different ways of structural change of capital. For example, making a profit that is divided among shareholders after selling or buying securities. Continue reading