Where are the stock traders going to go on a pilgrimage?
Stock traders love to pilgrim. They leave their apartments and houses and go where they…

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Modern analysis of market opportunities
If there are few customers or a business has stalled, then it is time to…

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How to find sources of profit
The main sources of profit change after the change in the economic level. We are…


Where to find customers for big sales
Where to find customers is a matter of concern to businessmen. They think about it…


thousand people

Modern prospects of small business

The prospects of small business are connected with the understanding of the fact that it occupies one of two niches in the economy. The first of these is the start of new business areas. The second niche is the help to the average, but more often big business. In our conditions, about 10-20% of small businesses work in the first niche. In the second niche – 80-90% of small businesses.
Small business perspectives in the 21st century Continue reading

Stock trading in the US stock market (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX)

Speaking about the history of the development of stock trading, it is worth noting that, like everything else in this world, its work has never stood still. Any mechanisms of market economy, with the growth of the public, are in the minds of every person. Therefore, trading floors where purchases or sales of valuable goods (stocks or indices) are made have appeared a long time ago. True, they were originally called markets, malls, fairs or bazaars. In the future, these trading platforms improved with the development of economic relations. Continue reading

How to start trading and making money on the American Stock Exchange
Quite often, many people think about additional earnings. There are of course quite a lot…


Best Small Business Development Strategy
The most successful strategy for the development of small business is a bet on marketing.…
