Modern analysis of market opportunities
If there are few customers or a business has stalled, then it is time to…

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Rules of communication with customers by phone
The impression of the company is formed in the first few minutes of a conversation…

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Negotiation strategy
A little simplify the situation with strategies. We specify the tasks.The task of the negotiator…


Marketing as the cause of the global crisis
The answer to the question is known. The main cause of the global crisis is…


never stops

How to properly and professionally make a commercial offer?

Sales managers quite often hear the phrase “Send us your offer, we will consider it and answer it.” But quite often at this moment customers leave. And this is because they did not like the offer, it did not catch them. And then the question arises: “How is it right and professional to make a commercial offer?” After all, it is necessary that it does not alienate him, but on the contrary attracted and interested. That is the question will give you a detailed answer. After reading this article you will learn a lot of useful information and understand how to make a commercial offer quickly and easily and without losing customers. Continue reading

Where is it profitable to invest money? – Forex Investments

Everyone knows that we have capitalism. And the most visible sign of capitalism is the desire of citizens to invest their money and make a profit. A legitimate and understandable desire, only one important question arises: “Where to invest money?”. Some prefer to invest on the Internet, others buy bonds and stocks, and still others make bank deposits. What are the opportunities for profitable investments today?
Investment and investment options. Continue reading

What is forex trading? – The main features of forex trading

Forex trading is trading in various foreign currencies. In the recent past, this type of trading was available exclusively to institutional traders and large banks. But now ordinary people can enjoy all the advantages of the foreign exchange market. This is possible thanks to the development of high-speed Internet and the emergence of brokerage firms.
Currencies of various countries are valued on floating quotes and exchange pairs. Continue reading