Oil war as a marketing factor
The most significant event of 2010 in the post-Soviet space was the next oil war…

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Forex fraud: what to fear
Unfortunately, fraudsters are everywhere. The Forex market in this case is no exception. What is…

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Modern analysis of market opportunities
If there are few customers or a business has stalled, then it is time to…


Where are the stock traders going to go on a pilgrimage?
Stock traders love to pilgrim. They leave their apartments and houses and go where they…


skill level

How to find sources of profit

The main sources of profit change after the change in the economic level. We are currently moving from the fourth economic level to the fifth. Accordingly, very soon only businesses that are engaged in the creation of goods and the provision of services of the fifth economic level can have a good profit.
The levels of the economy are called sectors. Continue reading