Effective way to improve business
Improving business is a necessity due to the fact that everything is flowing and changing.…

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How to properly and professionally make a commercial offer?
Sales managers quite often hear the phrase "Send us your offer, we will consider it…

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Oil war as a marketing factor
The most significant event of 2010 in the post-Soviet space was the next oil war…


Virtual money: what it is, the pros and cons of e-currency
The world does not stand still, new technologies appear, and as it was possible to…


buyer behavior

How to export to rich countries

The strategy of exporting to rich countries is a clear answer to the question of how to sell in such regions and countries as Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, China and some others. An effective export strategy is always based on the knowledge of the mentality of the country or region with which you plan to work. Without this, failure is guaranteed to happen. Continue reading

How to find sources of profit

The main sources of profit change after the change in the economic level. We are currently moving from the fourth economic level to the fifth. Accordingly, very soon only businesses that are engaged in the creation of goods and the provision of services of the fifth economic level can have a good profit.
The levels of the economy are called sectors. Continue reading