How to choose a platform for forex trading?
Choosing a platform for Forex trading is very important. And this issue must be approached…

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Principles of franchising
When you open your own business, a person faces many challenges. It takes a lot…

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How to beat the competition and earn all
The options of how to beat the competition a lot. But most methods involve huge…


"Will be dragged ashore and stunned with a stick", or How to conclude a contract on their own terms
Denis Sidenko, business consultant, coach, talks about the art of negotiation, tactics, rules and techniques…



Kinds of consulting for advanced businessmen

There are different types of consulting that a businessman can use if he is needed. In general, a businessman is a person who can do everything himself, absolutely everything, therefore consulting is rarely needed. This is what makes him different from the common man. In principle, business is to some extent the ability to do what others cannot do. Continue reading