Novus Ordo Millennium. How do financiers take revenge?
Experts say that the Democrats, who could not promote their candidate to the post of…

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Marketing as the cause of the global crisis
The answer to the question is known. The main cause of the global crisis is…

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How to find sources of profit
The main sources of profit change after the change in the economic level. We are…


Why is website important to your business?
Today we live in a world where none of us can imagine their lives without…


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Kinds of consulting for advanced businessmen

There are different types of consulting that a businessman can use if he is needed. In general, a businessman is a person who can do everything himself, absolutely everything, therefore consulting is rarely needed. This is what makes him different from the common man. In principle, business is to some extent the ability to do what others cannot do. Continue reading

Forex traders from which you need to keep as far as possible

There are three types of Forex traders who will definitely fall for a beginner on his trading path. And I really want to hope that you do not want to be like them.
Type number 1. Believer
They always have a clear answer to any market situation and, in general, everything related to Forex. It is a specific answer with the deepest self-righteousness. They always develop their “secret” market analysis method. Continue reading

How to build effective business processes
Effective business processes are the main condition for building an effective business that generates money,…


Where are the stock traders going to go on a pilgrimage?
Stock traders love to pilgrim. They leave their apartments and houses and go where they…
